Sell Your Printables Online

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Written By FredrickHobbs

To empower business professionals, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts with actionable knowledge and insights that drive success and innovation.





You can sell your printables quickly and easily by creating an Etsy shop. This is a great place to get started. You can also sell your printable online through Fiverr or Creative Market.

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You can create your own online store if you want more control over your printed business. While Shopify is a great resource for owners of printable businesses, there are many other e-commerce options that can be used to create an affordable online store.

You can also create your own website to promote your printed material. Although this gives you more control, it requires some technical knowledge to create. E-commerce plugins can be added to a WordPress website, or you can use a template with ecommerce options offered by a web host.

Marketing your printable business

You will need to market your printable, even if it is available on Etsy. There are many options available for consumers to download and print resources. These tips will help you stand out.

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Reach out to existing clients or customers if you own a business. Use social media and email to let them know about your printable.

One printable can be given away as a lead generator, or content upgrade for your email newsletter sign-up. You have the opportunity to offer paid printables to your list.

  • Use keywords to aid search engines and your sales platform (i.e. Etsy) best rank your product.
  • Distribute articles about your printable. Your bio can be used to link to your sales page.

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  • You can start a blog or YouTube channel about your printable topic.
  • Create Facebook ads to target the most likely buyer of your printable.
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These are some other steps to help you make printables that you can sell.

You can make a list of possible printables. A single printable is unlikely to be enough to earn a living, unless it’s a high-end planner. It is easier and faster to create single-page printables you can either sell as a package or individually. Make sure they are related if possible. You can, for example, have a list of keto-friendly snacks and a keto diet plan planner.

Draw your design ideas on a piece paper. This will help you quickly get your ideas down and make any necessary adjustments.

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Choose your logo and color scheme. If you are adding to an existing business, keep it relevant to your business. So that your customers can find you again and purchase from you, your business name must be on the printable.